Mental Illness: Critical Essay

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I have chosen to explore mental health for the critical assignment. Most people are not familiar with the vast array of mental illnesses that people struggle with on a daily basis. Being able to identify a mental illness or disorder, can better help people to understand and seek the attention necessary for improving one’s overall health. Mental illness can affect anyone; family members, friends, co-workers, and even children. Oftentimes people are embarrassed to talk about it or they may not even know they are suffering from it, which makes it hard to know who is going through it. Mental illness is now a global health concern (Martin, Woods, and Dawkins, 2015, pg.50). In today’s society we are faced with increasing amounts of individuals who are living with mental illness in some form. For the general population to become more educated about this, we can help identify and encourage people to seek help and speak up about what they are dealing with. …show more content…

It is estimated that at least 20% of today’s teens are experiencing mental disorders; this number is higher than ever. It is leaving youth isolated from their peers, activities, and causing emotional distress (Bulanda, Bruhn, Byro-Johnson, Zentmyer, 2014, pg.73). Again, introducing education on such things, even to adolescents, can help everyone recognize early signs and symptoms. It is important for youth to know they are not alone and it is okay to speak up and get the much needed help they deserve. If they are taught to recognize patterns and behaviors, they might get a better understanding of what is happening. It’s imperative for our future that these youth can understand and recognize the disorder to know when help is