
Merger Of ABC Human Solutions And XYZ Human Relations

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Team Building
As a result of the merging of ABC Human Solutions and XYZ Human Relations the challenge of blending the workstyles and beliefs of two groups into one self-directed work team has not been an easy feat. Initially, strengths and weaknesses had to be identified and leveraged along with individual preferences and organizational needs. While there are great rewards in maximizing a cohesive work team, it also required a lot of patience and change. However, change is the portal from which greatness can be built. Therefore in developing a new team, all the stages of team development; forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning are important to recognize and explore.
The initial stage of team development focuses on forming; …show more content…

In this stage the group begins to think and work together as one, allowing increased cohesion and collaboration. Trust emerges and the team begins to appreciate others points of view. The team realizes that diversity strengthens the team as a whole. The team opens communication and welcomes positive yet constructive feedback. Within the Norming stage the team is now focused on cooperation. The leader should now be supporting the group, while the group communicates effectively and efficiently (University of Minnesota, …show more content…

In early meetings communication is essential to affirm the effects of conflict and discuss the impacts of conflict on a team with delays of getting the job of the team completed efficiently. In early meetings, agreeing on a game plan of cooperation and what steps will be taken if a stalemate happens. The right communication channels have the power to squash a conflict before it starts. When teams agree to communicate and be active listeners they allow the team to march forward minimizing

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