Michelangelo Research Paper

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Michelangelo known mostly for his paintings in the Sistine Chapel, but he also had other work. It is thought that he was a really famous painter, but honestly Michelangelo was not a painter. Michelangelo was actually a famous sculpture, but Pope Julius II believed that he could do it so Michelangelo had to come up with a plan so he didn’t humiliate himself. Michelangelo didn’t know anything about painting but he figured learning fresco would help. “He mixed sand and lime and spread the mix over the wall. Next he applied his colors but had to do it fast, while the wall was still wet or fresh. When it dried, the colors fused chemically with the lime and became permanent.” After he learned how to fresco he had a few of his artistic friends come to Rome to help him out. When they came they painted the first panel for him while he watched, but after two weeks he realized he couldn’t use their idea and sent them away. He …show more content…

He started to notice that all of his paintings were molding. So he went to the Pope and told him that everything was ruined and he didn’t want to paint anymore. The Pope sent an expert to see what the problem was and the expert showed Michelangelo how to fix it. Michelangelo painted each section of the ceiling as a bible story. At the end he had a total of nine bible stories in total. The first painting and the most known was God creating Adam. It is said that he started with adam and end the ceiling with God touching adam’s hand. Some other ones were “The Flood”, “The Temptation”, and the “Expulsion of the Garden of Eden.” Half way through Michelangelo painting the ceiling, the Pope got curious and looked to see how the painting was going. After he saw it was halfway done he got impatient and ordered the scaffolding to be brought down and he opened it up to the public. Once he opened it to the public they were amazed, some even said that it was the best painting they have ever