Michigan State University Essay

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Michigan State University
Michigan State University is more than a school; it is a community. With students from all over the globe, many travel to experience the Spartan College experience. The school makes everyone feel at home, with everyone having a designated spot in the Spartan family. Founded in 1855 as the first agricultural university in Michigan, the school has grown from only 63 students to over 50,000. Michigan State University is named among the top 40 public universities and allows all students to go out of their comfort zone to become the next successful leaders of the future. Michigan State University prepares students to become driven to make a positive difference in the world and community, answer crucial questions to grow, …show more content…

By 1925, the school was mainly an agricultural college, driving each student to do three hours of hard labor per day to keep the cost of tuition low. The school name was changed to Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science under John A. Hannah. In 1964, the school became Michigan State University by the board of trustees. A few years before the final name change, Sparty, the mascot, was created. “The first mascot appeared in 1955 and was a papier-mâché Spartan head made by Theta Xi fraternity brothers Donald Pais, Kenneth Roberts and Don Bauer” (“Sparty History”). The head weighed over 60 pounds and was replaced with a fiberglass head in 1956 that was much lighter. In 1982, the current Sparty arose. The mascot portrays the school's mission, traditions, and tight-knit community: approachable, friendly, strong-willed, open, and ready to take on all …show more content…

This program allows students to pursue their passion and college studies outside the United States. “The Office for Education Abroad provides high-quality learning abroad programs and excellent services to cultivate globally-engaged citizen leaders who are ready to change the world” (“Office for Education Abroad:: Vision, Mission and Values”). Studying abroad also allows students to get to know different cultures and meet people who have different values and customs from themselves. Michigan State University has programs to provide opportunities for students to travel before college starts. The First-year seminars help students to submerge into different cultures while preparing for college. The First-year seminar abroad takes place in the summer months. This program aims to learn about real-world problems, develop higher levels of critical thinking and social skills, and develop personal relationships with peers and professors, tying in with personal

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