
Micrococcus Luteus Lab Report

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Introduction Bacteria can live on almost any surface, from soil and in ice, to the bottom of the ocean. One might not generally consider that bacteria live on the skin, in the mouth or nose. (Kundrat, 2015) The bacteria described in this paper Micrococcus luteus, does however live in all those places. M. luteus is common and normally nonpathogenic bacteria, though individuals with compromised immune systems, such as AIDS patients or individuals receiving chemotherapy could have complications. (Carr, 2012) The tests described in this paper helped us discover Micrococcus luteus. Results Specific lab and biochemical tests were run in the effort to identify the unknown bacteria we now know as Micrococcus luteus. Each test built upon …show more content…

Using aerobic respiration, water and CO2 are produced. Occasionally hydrogen peroxide is formed in the place of water. Common enzyme in bacteria, Catalase is detected by adding a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the sample of the unknown bacteria. If it is present, there will be a reaction of bubbles. There is positive reaction to this test. Starch can also be used as a carbon source. To do so the bacteria must be able to use exoenzymes amylase and maltase to breakdown the larger starch molecules into smaller ones. We tested for hydrolysis by adding iodine to the starch plate that had been inoculated with the unknown and incubated. If there were evidence of starch hydrolysis a clear area will be present surrounding the line of inoculation. The result is negative, as there is no evidence of a clear area surrounding the line of inoculation. Urea can be used as an energy source for some bacteria. If the bacteria can utilize urea, it will possess the enzyme urease. Urease will hydrolyze the urea. For this lab test we used urea broth, before inoculation the broth has a pH of 6.8 and has a yellow color. If there is hydrolysis the pH in the broth will increase to 8.4 with the presence of ammonia making the broth more alkaline and trigger the indicator to turn pink. This test was negative for our sample, no pink is

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