While middle school can be a rough time for young adults, it is also an important time when it comes to self-maturity. For me, middle school was a very confusing part of life. I was changing physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. A weird part of growing up was that I grew up in a very small town and we were behind when it came to technology or popular culture. Although middle school was rough, I survived and learned a lot about becoming an adult. When it came to my physical development, I was very behind the other students in my class. I was approximately 5 foot 2 inches, and 100 pounds soaking wet. While I stayed very small until my sophomore year in high school, I had to watch all my friends grow bigger than me. My after school snack was cookies and milk followed by whatever I could find in my pantry. I would try to eat as much as possible to get bigger but with my high metabolism I practically lost weight while eating. I …show more content…
I focused on what everyone thought of how I did such as, who motivated me, and who I chose to listen to. I was a very good child, and rarely disobeyed my parents. My grandparents and parents motivated me to do well in school because I was seeking approval. My best friends influenced me in other ways that differed from my family. I wanted to do well in things like sports and video games to gain popularity among the guys. I also wanted to impress the girls by being athletic and funny. Realizing the impact of the people around me, I see how I became the person I am today. One aspect that did not affect me much in middle school was the media. Social media and mobile technology did not appear in my life until high school. I received my first phone in the last months of my sophomore year because I needed a way to contact my parents after baseball practice. Therefore, I can say that I grew up different than most young adults of my time, without