Miles Morales Perseverance

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Persevering and taking leaps of faith are aspects we should all have in our lives. Miles Morales from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse directed by Peter Ramsey displayed these two aspects throughout the film, which made him memorable to me. I found Miles as a significant character who I knew I would always remember, as he taught me multiple various life lessons that I could use to enhance my own life for the better. Two compelling attributes that I grasped by the character Miles are, “perseverance” and “taking a leap of faith.”

Miles Morales, a fascinating teenage individual with uniquely strong emotions. Miles distinguishes himself from other characters with his thin, athletic build and mixed-race background in terms …show more content…

He stands out from other movie characters thanks to his motivating perseverance attributes and firm dedicated mindset. Miles' perseverance, which is driven by nothing more than guts and resolve, is seen in every turn and twist of the film. An example of Miles showing perseverance is shown when his uncle Aaron encouragingly says to him, “you're the best of us Miles, just keep going.” This phrase was told to Miles while his uncle was dying, he persevered through this tough situation and went on to confront Kingpin. He represents the good side of a society where perseverance is constantly praised because he keeps working hard in times of difficulties. A time where perseverance was shown in the bible is through Jeremiah, who continued to preach about god and remained persevering, despite all the horrible things that were happening to him. Miles’ firm determination serves as an example that goes beyond just superheroes or the movies, motivating everyday individuals looking for inspiration. Miles explained to Peter B Parker, “I made a promise, and I have to keep it.” Miles’ mindset and perseverance when he spoke this phrase serves as an inspiration to our society. His perseverance is often shown in the movie through slow sad music which puts him down, and eventually changes into high energy music such as “what's up danger” which shows that he has persevered through the tough situation. In the end,