Ministry Gifts: Personal Experiences In The Minister Basic Knowledge Course

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Throughout these past nine months, I was given the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the ministry gifts through this Minister Basic Knowledge Course. Great emphasizes was placed on the five fold ministry and how it operates. There is a variety of ministry gifts and helps. Everyone has a place in the body of Christ. You may not have a divine call into one of the offices of the 5 fold ministry but there are other offices such as helps and giving. These are just a few. This paper will reflect some topics discuss in the Minister Basic Knowledge Course, personal experiences and how I will apply the knowledge received to my own ministry gifts.
The five fold ministry is based on the following scriptures Ephesians 4:11-12 And He gave some , apostles; some, prophets; and some, evangelist; and some pastors …show more content…

Our Lord, Jesus Christ is the head of the church. All of our work in the ministry comes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The Apostle is the headship of the church, the foundation layer. The Apostle is able to touch every member of the body of the five fold ministry which helps to build and establish churches. The prophet was known as the “seer” and was feared in the old testament. The prophet can have revelation about the past or future which can bring knowledge or call others to repentance. The evangelist reaches and wins souls. Evangelist are normally found working in the communities. The anointing within an evangelist reaches souls in a way of encouraging the believer and the words can bring conviction to the sinner. The pastor has a covenant with the church God

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