Model-Lead-Test Approach Essay

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According to the case study, the Model-Lead-Test approach to instruction is used to provide students with frequent opportunities for practicing a new skill correctly while having direct teacher supervision (Carnine, Silbert, & Kameenui, 1997). This strategy involves the teacher modeling the problem and leading them through the problem, and after testing the student on what they have learned. This approach is great to utilize with older students. This model has opportunities for students to practice skills correctly and reduce incorrect responses. During the model phase, the teacher demonstrates what is expected of the student by modeling the skill verbally. The next phase is the lead phase, this is when the teacher leads students through the …show more content…

This strategy would help him because the teacher would assign a book for the class to read and have Luke sound out the letters of words he did not recognize. The teacher could then lead Luke by writing on the board the letters he is struggling to sound out. She could continue to ask him what the letter of the sound makes. From personal experience, Luke and I had similar reading difficulties. I was unable to pronounce my vowels. The reading teacher would point to specific words that I could not pronounce. Just like Luke, the teacher would write the words on a chalk board. This would be explaining to Luke how to sound them out. An example of this would be, Luke is struggling with the word, /rat/ and to help him generate a corresponding rhyming word, the teacher would present him with /bat/ and ask him to say it without the /b/ and replacing it with an /r/. To test this strategy, the teacher will ask students to get into small groups and ask them to pronounce the matching sounds as they point to a letter. Being in a group is very beneficial. From personal experience, the reading teacher would put us in a group of students who were all struggling and have us learn from each other. This is an amazing approach and very

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