Academic Dismissal Letter To Kent State University

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Respected Committee of College of Digital Sciences, I am Anugnu Veeravathni, an International student in the School of Digital Sciences with Banner ID 810870362. I am writing this to appeal the decision of my academic dismissal from the School of Digital Sciences at Kent State University. I was feeling very upset to receive a dismissal letter from the committee in my final semester. I urge the committee to take this decision into consideration and offer me a better solution. Upon looking at my grades from the first semester, you can see that I made the mistake of taking all three core courses of Digital Sciences with the hope that I could do my best, but unfortunately this did not go as planned. I believe that this was due to the change in the educational system and climatic conditions. However, I learned from this experience and took steps to change the way I prepared for exams and course work such as taking suggestions from seniors and …show more content…

Since I have not had much experience working in groups, I thought that I was doing well, but came to realize that there were many things I could have been doing better. Unfortunately, this was not realized until after I received my final grades. With the final submission being a major part of the grade, it brought it down from an ‘A-’ to a ‘C+’. There were a few different ways that I improved my ability to work in a group including meeting and problem solving with my professor, taking suggestions from seniors and peers, and going to the writing commons asking for their help. Meeting with my professor even after the grades became official helped me identify the mistakes I need to fix. In addition, I was in my final semester and very eager to find a job. Therefore, I prioritized my time job searching over my schoolwork. I now know that as a student, my schoolwork should come