Module 2: Technology Standards And Position Statements

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Journal 2 - Module 2: Technology Standards and Position Statements
This week readings, I encounter new key words to define technology and I created a world cloud with these key words. Pondering about digital citizenship took me different dimensions of the technology. It make me consider that the digital media and/or technology becomes a culture. Since we define digital citizenship as “a set of norms and practices regarding appropriate and responsible technology use ad requires a whole-community approach to thinking critically, behaving safely and participating responsibly.” It is obvious that each culture has their norms and grow within a community, same for technology or digital media. The teachers should start thinking technology as …show more content…

I think non-interactive/passive technology isn’t different from the TV. However, adults should become a role model using the interactive parts of the technology, these devices are not only about video calling, watching and gaming. During winter break, I send couple days with my four years old niece. At some moment, we are playing pretend play, and she was ship’s captain and I was deck boy, who helps her. I asked her “Captain, what is route? Where we are heading?” She said: “We are going to Sinop!” Sinop, a city, has a coast to Black Sea and she has been there just last summer. Suddenly, I wanted to show her where is Sinop on the map, and I took “her iPad” and tap on the google maps. It wasn’t only this I told or showed her; “There are plenty of countries on earth we can go one of them for example let’s go to Australia.” (Why Australia? Because my cousin recently moved there.) We sailed away with aaaall the drama :) sometimes there were huge waves, which shake our ship, or leak on the ship, which is a big problem I asked her how to solve it. Finally, we arrived Australia, I displayed her images of the endemic animals on her iPad and we started