Module Fives Discussion Regarding The Concepts Of Adaptable Leadership

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Reflecting on module fives discussion regarding the concepts of adaptable leadership, several things jumped out at me. First it was amazing how often we adapt even though we are not aware of it. The other thing I realized is I need to better understand the areas I am lacking. I believe this will make me an overall better leader for myself and my subordinates. I will reference the mirror a lot in my reflections. I believe many of us have a difficult time standing in front of it and honestly assessing what we see and what we truly are. There are several areas we touched on in the module that I need improvement on. Change management is a big one. Change is inevitable. I personally can do better in realizing the need for change and relaying that need to my peers and subordinates. To apply this principle I will have to take …show more content…

Another area that I think I could focus on is continuous improvement. It becomes very easy to settle in get comfortable and coast when things get tedious. I must continually challenge myself to be better tomorrow than I am today. After all if I am content in not progressing professionally or personally what message does that send my subordinates? One of the biggest hurdles is being able to effectively evaluate my strengths and weakness. The ability to be self-aware can only assist me in better utilizing my strengths while improving my weaknesses. Utilizing my peers and subordinates feedback to effectively improve myself as a person and a leader will be difficult at

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