
Mood Disorders In Kay Redfield Jamison's Night Falls Fast

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In Night Falls Fast written by Kay Redfield Jamison states that “Every seventeen minutes in America, someone commits suicide…” as noted on the website for National Institute for Mental Health in the United States 2.2% of those who commit suicide have severe bipolar disorders yet only 55.5% of those receive some treatment for bipolar. From mood disorders to bipolar disorders the categories have changed and evolved to define the different experiences, yet women tend to develop bipolar disorders at an early age and are more likely to attempt suicide if their disorder is unmanaged. Having a comprehensive team to diagnose and provide affordable treatments for women affected by bipolar disorder in their work life, educational, and relationships with …show more content…

Mood disorders classified in 1895 by Dr. Emil Kraepelin a German psychiatrist who wrote the current classification to distinguish between mood disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia (Akiskal, 2000). In doing so Dr. Kraepelin has, in fact, found the diagnosis cause of mood disorders. But by 1935 Dr. Egas Moniz a Portuguese neurologist did a frontal lobotomy by removing the thalamus to learn how the mind process thoughts and to cure racing and agitated feelings. This to Dr. Moniz was a way to cure those of the disease and cleanse the mind of impure thoughts. Additionally, researchers Ugo Cerletti and Lucino Bini test electroconvulsive therapy, also known as shock therapy, on patients to relieve manic-depression and schizophrenia. This, in turn, leads to debates on whether electroconvulsive therapy is beneficial to a patient. There are three categories that define bipolar each one has a varying degree when it comes to how its diagnosed and essentially applied. Although the two levels are a benchmark for diagnosing a person with bipolar disorder, there are some disorders that overlap when it comes to various symptoms. These two stages known as cyclothymia, and mixed affective …show more content…

In ADHD a person’s mood perceived as overly excited and unable to sit still this is due to the brains inability to process commands to calm the brain down. As early as the 1900s women have been misdiagnosed due to underqualified medical professionals who thought that the brain required a whole host of different commands to make it function. This in turn lead to women disguising their emotions as an everyday issue. That is where no matter the question asked the answer will always be “I’m fine.” Currently there are over 6 million women diagnosed as bipolar and of those roughly one-fourth receive treatment of some kind. There are two stages of bipolar known as cyclothymia and mixed affective states because of this bipolar tends to disrupt the processing of brainwaves in the prefrontal cortex due to heredity or biochemical imbalances including environmental. When people think of cyclothymia it is not a disorder readily associated with bipolar because of how a person experiences mood swings they generally range from very mild lows to extreme highs. The only way to diagnose a person at this stage is by comparing symptoms of those with bipolar 1 and 2 within the past two years in adults. There is no cure for cyclothymia the only way to control this disorder is with medications from mood stabilizers to antidepressants to help

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