Moodalism: The Incarnation Of Pentecostal Christianity

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Oneness Pentecostalism is found within the denominations of Pentecostal Christianity. Oneness Pentecostalism is driven from modalism, which according to Nichols is a “heretical view that denies the individual persons of the Trinity. It views biblical terminology of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as merely modes of existence or manifestations of the one God.” “For us and for our salvation” Many Christian theologians consider modalism as an early heresy that has now resurfaced in the form of Oneness Pentecostalism. Some false beliefs of the group include: denying of the trinity, baptism is necessary for salvation, and speaking in tongue is necessary to receive the Holy Spirit. They also put a strong emphasis on attire. The women …show more content…

Within the United Pentecostal Church, some groups believe that modalism is a doctrine truth this group is known as “Oneness Pentecostals.” Some other groups that hold to the doctrine are Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ, Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, and Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. For churches that are teaching true doctrine, and Christian Apologist, Oneness Pentecostalism should matter to them. A few reasons why are because people are searching for truth, people need to know what they believe, and apologists need to have good answers to hard questions. In today’s word, people are looking for something that they can hold on to. Some of these people who are searching for truth may come to believe that Oneness Pentecostalism is doctrine truth. Light needs to be shed on the subject by Apologist, so people who are searching can see the false doctrine found within Oneness teaching. For those who are part of the Oneness Pentecostalism movement these people need to know what they truly believe. Many people will follow a movement and not truly know what that movement is teaching. The Apologist in conversation with Oneness believers can Point out some of their false beliefs and show them what they are truly teaching. When doing this it should be done out of love and not just trying to win an argument. When presented with a hard question about Oneness