
Most Remarkable Mayan Achievement

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The Most Remarkable Mayan Achievement
What is the Mayans most remarkable achievement? Could it be the calendars, building cities, the number system, or the trade network? Was the achievement genius, significant, take effort, or scale? The Mayans lived throughout Mesoamerica, which is now modern-day southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras, they lived there for over 3000 years. The Mayans were known for their remarkable achievements. The most remarkable achievement was the Mayan calendars, even though the building of cities, the number system, and the trade network are still very remarkable. There are many reasons why the Mayan calendars are the most remarkable achievement. How was the Mayan calendars genius? The Mayans had three calendars, the Tzolkin, civil calendar, and the long count cycle calendar. The Tzolkin was a cycle of 260 days, it marked the ceremonial life of the people. The civil calendar is 360 days in all, and there are five unlucky days, which adds up to 365 days in a year. In modern day there are 365 days in a year too, the people who discovered our calendar today used the Mayan calendar as a base to build their calendar. So even though the Mayans had some flaws, they came very close to fully comprehending the calendar. There are other systems of the calendar that are remarkable too, like their accuracy. How does …show more content…

The Mayans’ calendar was used throughout Mesoamerica. Every Mayan used the calendar and the calendar had spread to each person. Even today we still use the calendar but with some tweaks to perfect it and get it right. Mayans used the calendar everyday and used it to help them in everyday work. They used the calendars for religious use also and trusted the calendar enough to use it. The Mayans believed their calendars were accurate, so they passed on their calendars to use them for everyday life. The Mayan calendars might have a few problem but overall is a great start to creating a

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