Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay

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Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a non-profit organization founded in 1980 by Candace “Candy” Lightner. The organization is composed of, as the title suggests, mothers against drunk driving, but they also have numerous supporters that are fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, and other concerned citizens. The goal of their organization is simple: educate the public about the risk and devastation caused by drunk driving and, in turn, reduce the number of drunk driving-related fatalities. “Ending impaired driving for good” is ultimately the end goal for MADD and with the effort from Candy Lightner it has become even more achievable.
Candy Lightner started the organization in September of 1980 following the death of her thirteen year …show more content…

Their video titled, “MADD Zero” provided great insight for their mission and ways in which they encourage others to engage in resisting this senseless crime. According to the video, MADD’s campaign has four initiatives, the first of which being to support more high-visibility law enforcement. That is, since people are less likely to drive after drinking due to the fear of being caught, implementing DUI checkpoints can reduce drunk driving deaths by 17% (MADD Zero). The second initiative proposed by MADD is to implement ignition interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers which requires drivers to provide a sober breath sample before operating the vehicles, effectively keeping drunk drivers at bay as well as reducing repeat DUI offenses by a stark 67% (MADD Zero). In addition to considering how drunk driving can be prevented now, MADD also looks at how it can be prevented in the future. One such way they have done this is proposing advanced vehicular technology. For example, if a driver enters the vehicle and the car senses a BAC of 0.08% or higher through their breath or through touch sensors, the car will prevent itself from moving (MADD Zero). The fourth and final initiative is one of the most crucial: public support. Designated drivers, taxis, public transportation, pickup apps such as Uber, and concerned and responsible friends and family are pivotal in helping prevent inebriated drivers …show more content…

Today, there are several hundred local MADD chapters spread throughout the US and Canada (“Effectiveness of Mothers,” 2020). MADD hosts in person and virtual conferences to discuss these pressing issues with a wide array of audiences, mainly with youth through their Power of You(th)© program (News). According to the press release section of MADD’s website, Due to their advocacy, 34 states and Washington, D.C., have enacted such laws with many making improvements to their existing interlock laws. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that mandatory interlock laws reduce drunk driving deaths by 16%