Motivational Interviewing: A Case Study

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Motivational Interviewing is a technique of client-focused therapy that is concentrated on identifying and resolving ambivalence to achieve change. This technique is highly utilized in various therapeutic settings and is shown to be effective with a myriad of populations. Over the past twenty years, approximately, there has been a shift toward establishing therapeutic modalities that are centered on the concept of problem-oriented goal attainment that is structured and dictated by the strengths and existing network of the client. This focus on intrinsic motivation has offered modalities that are easily adaptable across settings and produce a positive return on investment for patients. It has been suggested that these forms of treatment offer …show more content…

Although no method of treatment is universal, MI is especially impacted by external factors. Lundahl et al (2010) suggest that due to the nature of MI there are agencies that may be unable to adopt this mode of intervention into their environments due to the existing framework of directive treatment. This presents a significant barrier to wide spread utilize of MI, as many agencies function under a directive framework of change that does not allow incorporation of the tenets of MI. Focusing on the individualized format for treatment, many agencies utilize group work as a primary means of therapeutic intervention. Pulling on my personal experience working within agencies that provide IOP services or addiction services, most often focus on group work to address issues. Lundahl et al (2010) suggest that in this environment MI could be less effective in promoting change. The environment which clinicians practice has a significant role in the modalities chosen for intervention, with frameworks such as MI, the environment can be counterproductive to the application and success of the intervention, despite best intentions of the …show more content…

Individuals with developmental or cognitive disabilities may not benefit from MI. This means of therapy requires the cognitive ability to explore barriers and problem solve to achieve change, in individuals who are not able to process complex thoughts, this means of intervention would be impractical. As the field of social work expands, increased awareness is being focused in relation to limitations of practice and how clinicians can best adapt their practice to meet the changing needs of the population. The concept of trauma is taking on a large role within the field in consideration to both, client and practitioner. Individuals with extensive trauma history may be inappropriate for MI, as reliving traumatic experiences can seriously impact the progress of a patient. With increased research and focus on this topic, it would be beneficial to understand the role that explorative treatments have in maintaining traumatic thinking. Growing research is suggesting that MI is adaptive to larger networks of patients than original thought. This ability to apply to various needs is a significant strength that was discussed during class, however, the limitations of problem solving or goal-attainment therapies needs to be

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