Mr. Mendez: The Different Forms And Definition Of Success

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What is success? There are many different forms and definition of success. Some people see success as the gaining of fame and prosperity. Others, like Jr. Mendez see success as the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. Mr Mendez gained personal success by being self-motivated, goal oriented, and by being able to overcome obstacles in his life. Success is different for different people. Success is special and individual for each person or group. For a kid, success maybe means winning a game; for a researcher, success means solving a problem or creating a new device; for a football team, success means being the champion. So what is success? In my opinion, success is when you have achieved what you have targeted in your life. Your target can be anything and it does not include any specific title. Many people think of success as money, wealth, fame, or power. Too many people allow others to define success for them. That's why so many fail to achieve success for themselves. …show more content…

It is about your goals meeting your dreams, and sometimes, exceeding what you had expected. It is about thriving and being seemingly prosperous. I would define success as who I am. The Lord made me in His own image; therefore, I'm successful. Knowledge and skills also contribute to a person's success. If a person doesn't seek opportunities to elevate his/her knowledge or skills, then that person will ALWAYS be stuck in dead-end comfort zones. Success is accomplishing my purpose in life. If my purpose is to help others the success would be the actual act of helping and the results. Success is the freedom to do whatever one loves and enjoys each and every day. Success is being healthy, happy and doing something career wise that I enjoy and that provides me with a means of living a lifestyle that I are comfortable

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