Musical Instruments In The Tanakh Study Guide

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Chapter 2 “Musical Instruments in the Tanakh” So from dissecting biblical text, it is said that Satan was the first created being to have music placed within him. As mentioned earlier on in this chapter, the first human documented in the Bible to handle a musical instrument was Jubal, yet although he may have been the source of all musical instruments as we know them now, it can be argued that few Christians understand the true spiritual significance of the instruments used in worship. If a true understanding is known of the spiritual significance of musical instruments, would this change the manner in which we worship? To answer the question one must first investigate the different instruments and their meanings and symbolisms. As earlier stated, music played a vital part in Hebrew culture within all aspects …show more content…

Its Hebrew name is ‘toph’, and is first mentioned in Gen 31:27. It symbolised a sign of victory and jubilee usually played after the victory has been accomplished. Interestingly this is the name of one of the instruments that was created in Heylel (Ezek 28:13). The Bells There are two Hebrew words in Scripture rendered bell. The first Hebrew word is ‘pa’amon’ and the second is ‘mĕtsillah’. Let me first talk about the ‘pa’amon’. These were small bells attached to the hem of the High Priest's ephod. The purpose of the bells being attached to the hem of High Priest’s robe was that as Aaron (the High Priest) went to minister, he would be heard going in and out of the Holy Place and that he did not die. The bells were made of gold and were attached to the hem next to small pomegranates that were blue, purple and scarlet (Exodus 28:33-35). Gold symbolises the divinity of God, His righteousness, the glory of Christ (Rev 1:12-13). The pomegranate fruit symbolises law and righteousness because it is said to have 613 seeds, which is equal to the 613 commandments of the