Loudness Essays

  • Hendersonville Observation

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    Place of observation-Hunter Middle School in Hendersonville, Tennessee Date/Time - Saturday, February 20th from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Event taking place - Parks league basketball games (First and second grade boys) I work as a referee for the city of Hendersonville’s parks department, and I decided to observe the actions and behaviors of the parents of or the adults supporting the kids that are participating in the league. On Saturday, I had seven basketball games of first and second grade boys

  • Descriptive Essay: A Haunted Halloween

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    A Haunted Halloween In the town of Hull stone, on a Halloween night, four kids met up at Joe’s house to have a sleepover. Bob, Claire and Emily showed up at his house with their candy baskets. They left the house to go trick or treating in Joe’s neighborhood. The evening passed quickly as they had collected a lot of candy and they were returning to Joe’s house to begin their sleepover. On the ride back home, all was well until Bob suddenly stumbled upon a rock while riding his bike. Claire got

  • One Day Narrative Essay

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    The sun gleamed through the window as I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms above my head. “Wow, it’s awfully quiet for a Saturday” I thought to myself tiredly before hearing the words that began my day every morning. “Kaila, come down for breakfast!” my mother yells in Yiddish. I brush off her call, acting as if I never even hear her call me in the first place. She calls me back again but even louder this time, “KAILA, COME DOWN NOW!” I force myself to get up and, while walking towards

  • Musical Instruments In The Tanakh Study Guide

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    Chapter 2 “Musical Instruments in the Tanakh” So from dissecting biblical text, it is said that Satan was the first created being to have music placed within him. As mentioned earlier on in this chapter, the first human documented in the Bible to handle a musical instrument was Jubal, yet although he may have been the source of all musical instruments as we know them now, it can be argued that few Christians understand the true spiritual significance of the instruments used in worship. If a true

  • The Theme Of Isolation In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

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    told(TheSilent Loudness 10&12). All stories have their outsiders, but what makes them who society thinks they are? Everyone has their place in the town of Maycomb except for two. The poem, “Being Different” by TheSilent Loudness analyzes the theme through powerful words and imagery. The image of one bird purched alone shows a powerful meaning, but the characterization of Mayella Ewell and Boo Radley is the most powerful picture of what an outsider truly is. TheSilent Loudness uses the same methods

  • Dysarthria Case Study

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    the Diadochokinetic (DDK) task, the client demonstrated alternating loudness variations after she was provided with a model and instructions (i.e., “repeat fast and steady”). Additionally, during a sustained phonation task of the vowel /a/, the client was provided instructions to hold and sustain the vowel (i.e., “take a breath and say /a/, hold that out for long and steadily as you can”) which also revealed alternating loudness variations, and a strained-strangles voice. Her maximum phonation time

  • A Comparison Of Al Jolson And Bing Crosby

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    exaggerated the words “played in ragtime” when he sang the phrase “And if you care to hear the Swanee River played in ragtime.” He also used exaggerated gestures, which is appropriate for the large theaters where he learned his technique. Furthermore, his loudness and exaggeration made him more stand out comparing to Bing Crosby. Jolson also has a dominant tone in his voice. Moreover, his singing style is energetic and extroverted. On the other hand, Bing Crosby sang in a smoother and quiet tone. He used

  • College Admissions Essay: The Evolution Of Music

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    The Echo Nest used a series of algorithms and a large set of data to get their results. They measured the average loudness of the top 5,000 songs from 1950 to 2010. The measure is not of the volume it is played at but instead the difference between the softest and loudest parts of a song. There is little difference between the softest and loudest parts of song which

  • Scientists Just Discovered Why All Pop Music Sounds Exactly The Same

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    (Scientists Just Discovered Why All Pop Music Sounds Exactly the Same, 2016). Authors state “Songs today are an average 9 decibels louder than half a century ago, confirming what industry types have long suspected: that record labels engage in a "loudness race" to catch radio listeners’ attention” (2016). What the Author is trying

  • Sound In Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey

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    designer can implement for the director to completely change how the visuals of a scene are interpreted or to enhance the interpretation that already exists due to visuals alone. The sound editor and sound designers for films use tools such as dialogue, loudness, pitch, narration, music, and silence to influence the perception of the audience. Even in the silent film era, musical accompaniment played an integral part of the mood created by the movie. Sounds are integral to establishing the audience’s perception

  • Well Tuned Piano

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    The Well Tuned Piano is a piece for solo piano and the entire duration of the work is 6 and a half hours. The music is composed of Just Intonation and is improvised by the composer La Monte Young. The composer also performs himself. During the song, the modern concert grand piano is played in just intonation pure toning. The sounds are completely controlled, and the composer exploits the constitution of pitch. In the beginning of the song, the low toned notes are played powerfully. The notes continue

  • What Are The Rhetorical Devices Used In Stevenson's Speech Byan Stevenson

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    makes his argument more credible than any other persons given the same speech” ( ) 10% ethos “I have acknowledged Stevenson’s vocal delivery and how it resonated with the audience while listening to his “Ted talk speech”. ( ) He would modify the loudness of his voice as the story’s tone shifted or when he wanted the audience to engage and interest the public. He addressed the audience by using his pitch and, when appropriate, an expressive tone of voice as part of his vocal delivery.” Stevenson’s

  • Vocal Expression In Human Language

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    abilities to perceive such emotions are both fundamental aspects of human communication.” (1999) therefore, this element is an important aspect of the creation of the connection between the performer and the audience. - Inflection, Change in pitch or loudness of the voice. As the voice is a more permeable channel than the face, it is more challenging to control and therefore, is more likely to expose true feelings. The sound of one’s voice changes as the rate of vibrations changes. As if the number of

  • Mother In The Joy Luck Club

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    Between a mother and her daughter, there is a special bond held, a bond like no other where a mother learns to value the qualities of selflessness and compassion, love and sacrifice. The novel The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan all has to do with the lives of a mother and her daughter and how the mother’s duty is often reflected from her past life and experiences that are then used for the creation of a more successful and meaningful life for their daughters. Even through the difficulties a mother had

  • Light And Darkness In The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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    approaches the steps of the fortress in which the narrator says, “He lifted the knocker . . . and it startled him with its booming loudness” (43). (In particular, notice that) As Rainsford comes face to face with the structure of the door, the imagery of the knocker alerts the reader that it must be a fine castle in which he gives his presence but the descriptions of the loudness personifies in what may be the gun shot in which Rainsford is about to enter a challenge. This stated, the reader can identify

  • Syneesthesia In Music

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    Mexico) speakers to describe a set of sounds​ presented to them. It turns out that for their participants, higher pitches are better described as being thin rather than high. Interestingly, the same words used to describe pitch also apply to the loudness of the sound. Thus time though, louder sounds are thick and strong, while softer sounds are thin or

  • Botox Research Paper

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    The use of neurotoxin “periodic botulinum toxin” injections is considered to be the gold standard treatment for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum and attains a “reversible neuromuscular blockade at presynaptic terminals, therefore, preventing the release of acetylcholine in response to action potentials” (Holden, Vokes, Taylor, Till & Crumley, 2007). Botox is directly put into the affected muscles of the larynx; therefore, injection of

  • Importance Of Grunting In Tennis

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    BREATHING AND GRUNTING IN TENNIS Monica Seles, Jimmy Connors, Serena or Venus Williams, Rafa Nadal, Maria Sharapova and so many other awesome players, as well as thousands of martial arts enthusiasts and professionals could not possibly be wrong in their breathing/Screaming/Grunting techniques. As we wind up our body and racquet to make a hard hit, we inhale deeply, and as we make contact with the ball, we exhale hard, creating a sort of explosion. Grunting in Tennis helps time impact, as well as

  • Treadmill Exercise Essay

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    EFFECTS OF EMOTİON ON TREADMILL EXERCİSES ELİF AYBİKE ERGİN Increased availability of sports centers allows more people to engage in physical activities. For last decades more and more people have started to include treadmill exercises in their training schedule. There are lots of research have been conducted about doing physical exercises and its benefits. Engaging in physical activities is beneficial for one’s health both psychological and physiological. A research indicates that regular

  • Mother Daughter Relationship In Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

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    Mother daughter relationship has always been special. They are close to each other and understand each other very well. For a mother, daughter is just an extension of her, a part of her. The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, illustrates what life is like for many foreigners in America who are trying to give their child the opportunities they most likely did not have themselves as children. Its a story about four Immigrant mothers fulfilling their duties as mothers. Sacrifice, caring, and loyalty these are