My Marriage Assessment Paper

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My Marriage Assessment
John Van Epp PhD created what he calls a Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) (Epp, 2007). With this model a couple can assess their marriage to determine their marital strengths and the areas that they need to make improvements. The RAM provides five components for assessment; each of the five RAM components are Know, Trust, Rely, Commit and Touch. I will be assessing my own marriage with each of the five components. This paper will describe each of the five RAM components, it will explain where my husband and I are on the scale, and show our strengths as well as the areas that need improvement.
My husband, Ty, and I met in October of 1986; we were engaged in June of 1987 and married in October of 1987. We were …show more content…

Touch incorporates physical non-sexual touch as well as sexual touch. I have taken a look at this component and feel that Ty and I are doing ok in this area. We hold hands, we touch when we are by each other, both in passing and deliberately, and we make sure we have soft touches throughout the day. I feel that this is critical for us as we are nearing the ages when our children will be gone. We will be able to maintain that after our children are gone. Touch is an element of a marriage that is very personal and extremely important. Touch is critical because it creates safety, bonding, love, trust, commitment and attachment as a couple. I feel that touch in our marriage can use some revising, communication, and more understanding of one another’s needs and …show more content…

Prayer as a couple is an element that we have not incorporated in our marriage. I don’t remember if we prayed as a couple when we were younger. However, as I look back at the storms we have weathered, I wonder if we could have weathered each storm better at the side of our bed, kneeling in harmony, pleading for help and strength from our Father in Heaven. It has been proven that couples who pray together, have more strengths, are more equipped to weather the marriage storms healthier and better than a couple who does not pray together. Couples who pray together invite our Father into their union, then together, as a team the couple can accomplish goals, dreams, and the storms that come their