My Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay

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Leadership has several different definitions depending on the person. Some may think to be a leader you need to be confident, feared, and willing to do anything to accomplish your goals. However, some may describe leaders as caring, comforting, and as someone who always puts others' needs above their own. Not one definition of a leader is the universal correct definition. Leadership is defined however a person believes it should be. Personally, I agree more with the second set of characteristics listed above. I believe that leaders are defined as people who care about making a change. They want to see the people they love happy, and they want to do the right thing for everyone, not just themselves. My personal leadership philosophy recognizes …show more content…

I value selflessness, empathy, and family. Selflessness is an incredibly important quality to me because I cherish acts of service. I love helping people in need, it gives me a sense of gratification that I am doing something good for people. It brings me joy to see other people happy and well taken care of. Empathy is important to me because I really try to understand how others feel, and where their emotions are coming from. Whether it's a place of sadness, anger, confusion, irritation, or fear, I always try to put myself in others’ shoes to comprehend how they are feeling. I have been told by many people that I always seem to give people the benefit of the doubt, meaning if someone is rude to me, I say something like “They must just be having a …show more content…

My plan is to become an educator at an Elementary School, and I cannot think of a better way to exhibit my idea of leadership than through teaching and building relationships with my students. Throughout my years of teaching, I know that I will come across a variety of diverse students and families, and it is my mission to make connections with them, to make them feel comfortable in my classroom, to understand their emotions and feelings, and to be a role model for students who need one. I will do this by making communication a major part of what my classroom entails. I want students to feel like they are a significant part of the classroom, and I believe that I can do so through encouraging communication between peers, and between the students and I. I believe that leaders need contributions and input given by their followers to efficiently thrive, and for me that would be accepting help and knowledge from my students, and acknowledging the fact that they have things to teach me as well. In the TedTalk “The crisis of leadership -- and a new way forward” where Bryn Freedman conducts an interview on Halla Tómasdóttir, there was a fragment of the video where Halla was asked about the Hubris system, and what it is. She says “Well, yes, I think Hubris is our cancer is leadership. That’s when leaders think they know it all, can do it