NAEYC Code Of Ethics Statement (Appendix A)

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NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment (Appendix A) The administrators role in implementing Section I: Ethical Responsibilities to Children, is by ensuring that each child is in a safe and healthy environment, where each child’s needs are met. An ideal important from this section is 1-1.9, which states that each child whether disabled or not, has the same support services to succeed. This is important in the field of early childhood education, because each child has the right to learn, and succeed. It is a law that no child is left behind, and can receive the appropriate tools necessary to reach their full potential, whether disabled or not. The most important principle is P- 1.1, which makes sure that individuals do …show more content…

There are multiple differences of the Conceptual Framework between the Position Statement and the Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Program Administrators. A difference is that the Conceptual Framework involves the responsibilities of administrators within the 5 areas, such as children, families, personnel, agencies and governing boards, and the community and society (Sciarra et al, 2015). The Position Statement is responsible for, overseeing the entire program and interacting with multiple individuals. The Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Program Administrators. is a document responsible for creating an environment where values, ideas, and principles are reflected into the classroom (Sciarra et al, 2015). The similarities are to protect and be able to serve children with the best education services, along with families, and the employees.
Ideals I-2.3, I-3.4, I-4.5, and I-5.5 support I-1.1, because all regulations protect the needs of each child. The main priority is to serve the children and families, and ensure that the administration is providing security for the child’s overall