
Nailer Reflection

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In the book Nailer explores a world that might be similar and even a world in our future. Sometimes the author of the book can create a world that reflects the real world. The reader can also make connections and similarities to the real society. Some situations or characters in the book may reflect how people act in real life. Paolo Bacigalupi’s novel Ship Breaker teaches us that society is so quick to forget and move on from the past go into the future.
The first example where Paolo Bacigalupi exemplifies this is when they continue to just build cities in the same place even though it keeps being destroyed. Paolo created many recreations of the city New Orleans in the book, “There was also the original New Orleans and then there was Mississippi Metropolitan aka Miss Met what had originally been envisioned as New Orleans III (202, Bacigalupi). Instead of remembering New Orleans blood buyers moved on and continued to make another city. The author is basically showing that the culture in the book can relate to the real world today. Bacigalupi shows the quick action by the society in today with him creating multiple cities in the same area. Paolo ultimately portrays the society today as quick to forget …show more content…

The author shows us that he thinks that people will become forgetful of the past “At one time in the past, New Orleans had meant many things, had meant Jazz and creole and pulsed life, had meant Mardi Gras and parties and abandon, had meant creeping luxurious green decay. Now it meant only one thing loss” (203, Bacigalupi). The people who lived in Orleans forgot the old city to move on to the newer cities they built. The people in the story abandon the city making a society where people forget about others. Bacigalupi makes his own society when he makes the book buyers quick to move

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