
Najmah Ptsd Analysis

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(AGG) “Anyone that has been through war like scenarios, could have PTSD.” (BS-1)There are times in this story that anyone would get PTSD from.(BS-2) Simple occasions could give anyone PTSD. (BS-3)There are times In the story when najmah thinks back to her family. (TS) Throughout this novel we get many clues that Najmah suffers from PTSD.

(MIP-1) Throughout this novel, there are several tragedies that could lead a person to develop PTSD. (SIP-A) When Najmah is with her mother and brother, their village is bombed.(STEWE-1)While Najmah is on the mountain, bombs start to go off. “But she is looking up at the sky, where in the distance a white trail is visible behind an arrow-shaped phantom high, high against the blue, crossing the sky from west …show more content…

The village, I think, and begin to run. … By then the explosions are closer and louder. They feel as if they’re happening in my chest“(Staples 65). In this moment Najmah, Habib, and Mada Jan are at their home in Kunduz. Najmah is up on the hill, and Mada Jan and Habib are down below watching Najmah. Najmah is on the hill herding the animals. All of a sudden bombs start to drop and they all run to go back into their home.(STEWE-2) This event could lead Najmah to have PTSD because she is witnessing the bombs drop and she doesn’t know where they will drop in her area. She may be fearful about survival of herself and family. The bombs that are dropped destroy some of her home, and most of her village. After the bombs destroy the village, and her mother and brother die, Najmah is with Akhtar and Khalida on a path going to a refugee camp.(SIP-B) On their way to the refugee camp, they are put into a dangerous position. (STEWE-1) They get stopped by gunfire and bombs. “ In the morning we have only walked only a short distance when we hear a loud, rhythmic crump-ing in the hills and …show more content…

(STEWE-1) Over time Najmah has been through a lot. ”You can develop post-traumatic stress disorder when you go through, see or learn about an event involving actual or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violation. Doctors aren't sure why some people get PTSD. As with most mental health problems, PTSD is probably caused by a complex mix of: Stressful experiences, including the amount and severity of trauma you've gone through in your life, Inherited mental health risks, such as a family history of anxiety and depression. Inherited features of your personality — often called your temperament. The way your brain regulates the chemicals and hormones your body releases in response to stress”(Mayo Clinic). Because she is in a war torn country it is very easy for her to get PTSD. (STEWE-2) By being in a war torn country, there are a lot of tragic events that could cause people to be scared for their life, and the lives of the people around them. By experiencing these events regularly, it makes developing PTSD easier. INSERT QUOTE (SIP-B) Because Najmah has been through war,different things could make her have PTSD. (STEWE-1) Najmah has gone through many explosions and gunfire. ”Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a serious potentially debilitating condition that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a natural disaster, serious

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