Narcissism According To Life Span Development

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Question 6:
Attachment is known as a very close, and intense bond between two people. Attachment can occur between any two people, people that are friends, parents, brother or sisters, even a person and an animal can experience attachment. It is a very common thing that occurs throughout development. Attachment can sprout in many different ways, between an infant and a mother, the infant can simply become attached to “oral satisfaction” because the mother feeds the child.There are four phases of attachment, the first one occurring from birth to 2 months of age, when infants naturally direct their attachment to people. Phase 2 occurs from 2 to 7 months of age, and during this time the attachment becomes smaller, directing it towards the people …show more content…

It is the way that we asses and judge ourselves, even though others may not see why we think this way about our own looks or thoughts. This may even be where low or high self esteem comes into play. Having very low or very high self esteem can cause many problems for some people, and can even affect others around them. A negative impact of self esteem that is too high is narcissism According to Life-Span development, narcissism is a self-centered approach towards others. Narcissists do not realize how they are acting or how others see them, which causes even more issues for the person that is a narcissist because they cannot see where they are doing wrong. An example is Donald Trump. He does not see where is beliefs may cause problems or hurt others, and refuses to listen to anyone else when they give their different opinion on a subject. People that have self esteem that is too low can have many issues and this can too impact the people they are surrounded by. It can make a person feel like they are not good enough to do something, are unworthy, and even inferior to others when their friends and family try to communicate normally with them. Different levels of self esteem can begin to affect ones relationships with others, especially with ones partner. If a person doesn’t feel like they deserve something, or feels like the are not attractive enough, they will react to situations differently than …show more content…

According to Life-Span development, Identity diffusion is the status of individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis or made any commitments. Identity foreclosure is the status of individuals who have made a commitment but not experienced a crisis. Identity moratorium is the status of individuals who are in the midst of a crisis but whose commitments are either absent or are only vague defined. Identity achievement is the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment. I used to think that I had already achieved my identity, but I now believe that I am in Identity moratorium. I have always been committed to everything that I have decided to do in the past, from relationships to school groups. I have been loyal to everything because I learned from my parents crisis that I suffered from while growing up. However, I have recently been wondering if I actually have experienced all that I needed to to achieve my own identity and understand who I am, and what I like and dislike because I have been feeling differently about things than I used to. Much of my family and their cultural influences that have contributed to my identity status. My parents did not make the best decisions while growing up so I kind of had to learn from theirs, and they taught me who to be and what to be, which is why I think right now I may be in Identity