Narrative Essay On Declaration Of Independence

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“Riiiiing.” As soon as the bell rang, everyone was out of class. I took my time walking to the front gates of Lincoln High School. When I arrived there, I saw my friends already waiting for me. “Hey, Brandon and I wanted to go to his place and watch a movie. Want to come?” I shrugged, “Sure.” We walked out of the gates of school and into the freedom of the rest of the world. We crossed the street to the sidewalk on the other side and found ourselves walking right next to Deuridge Middle School. Abby shuddered, “I hated that place.” Brandon and I nodded in agreement. “I wish we can help them break out of their prison.” Abby sighed. All those years of the dreaded social studies lessons came to my head. “Well, would a Declaration of Independence help them?” “I can’t think of how it wouldn’t! …show more content…

They are probably fed up with it!” Brandon exclaimed. I felt like a vigilante. I quickly came up with a plan. “Okay, we wait outside their school gate until the bell rings and then ask the students what they like or don’t like about school. Then, we ask them if they want to declare independence from their school.” “It could help my sister!” Abby cheered excitedly. We rushed to the front gates of the middle school and waited on the side. As soon as the bell rang, kids with lethargic moods walked out. I rushed after the ones that seemed to have a more affable personality. “Do you like school?” I asked. The child’s face turned grave. “Who does! They kill us in P.E, always give tests every week, have terrible food and…. just everything about school sucks!” he exclaimed with indignation. “Do you want to make school the way YOU want it to be?” I questioned. He nodded excitedly and I lead him to the front to help Abby and the other children that Brandon had rounded up to come up with grievances. Another boy I talked to was very formidable about school, “I don’t