Natural Hair Movement Essay

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Strategy: The natural hair movement is a major trend within the African American community. The main focus of this advertisement is to encourage women to embrace their kinky and curly hair textures. With many products falling under the CURLS brand, this advertisement places emphasis on the particular product line, “Blueberry Bliss Curl Collection.” The natural hair care market is extremely fierce, with competition between both product lines and hair supplements. Through the use of rational product feature strategy, this ad advertises its’ competitive advantage by comparing it to hair supplements or pills. It states that the Blueberry Bliss Curl Collection “absorbs up to 98% of the vitamins in the bloodstream versus up to 20% from a pill.” …show more content…

This ad is dominated by both type and visuals, which in turn creates an unorganized and cluttered layout. There are estimates of 4 to 5 type fonts, which can become a distraction and come across as a mixture of different voices talking at the same time. Using only 1 or 2 fonts and eliminating repetitiveness of product location and benefits, thus creating a better flow of white space, could have avoided this. Execution: The style of execution used here is straight sell and comparison. It simply states the facts about the product such as, “formulated with certified organic blueberry extract, clinically proven to repair, protect and grow your hair.” With CURLS being a newer brand, this makes them the underdog, thus encouraging them to use comparison. However, hair products and hair supplements target different types of consumers. It would have been more beneficial for them to compare their product within the same market and category. Stopping Power & Clarity: Visuals have a lot of stopping power, but it is not immediately clear. Style of Layout: Hybrid of type specimen and circus