Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered what makes us the way we are today? Or rather, perhaps you have tried to see into the mind of a serial killer to understand whether they were born to crave violence or merely impacted by their bad childhood. In other words, is a person’s development determined by genetic or environmental factors?< (Need help rewording this. I’m not sure how to transition from the previous sentence to the one after this one which is why I added another question.)This idea has been up for debate for as long as scientist can remember as each side holds arguably reasonable perspectives and supporting evidence on the topic. In contemporary science, It is to our understanding that both nature and nurture play an equally important role in human development. However, scientist have been unable to determine which has the greater influence. From previous analysis based on the evolution of man, it is of common knowledge that …show more content…

The child, in return, demonstrates early behaviors of communication, some of which being their tendency to cry, smile or crawl, showing their natural need to communicate with a single attachment figure. This introduces a common pattern of interactions between the mother and child of which should be continuous for no less than two years. Otherwise, as stated in Bowlby’s theory, the child will suffer irreversible long-term consequences of this maternal deprivation (McLeod). Nativists also believe that maturation is the reason as to why characteristics and differences, not seen at birth, emerge later on in life. This is to say that each individual has a “biological clock” that turns on or off certain types of behaviors in an almost pre-programmed way. It is said to work in a way that is similar to how our bodies change physically during