Neat Freaks Research Paper

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The first thought that comes to someone’s mind when applying to college is not who his or her roommate will be; however, that may be a vital component to a successful college career. Many people decide to room with their best friend from high school, but for some that is not an option. The students who decide to go down their own path must restart on a clean slate. They must make new friends and get use to their new environment. What kind of roommate are they searching for, and will they be paired with someone that they will end up liking? Searching for a roommate is a struggle itself, but the thought of not getting matched with the perfect one is even more stressful. The questionnaire to the roommate “pool” makes this process simple, classifying …show more content…

They know exactly what they are searching for in life, and enjoy occupying a space that conveys the same message. Neat Freaks are constantly concerned with the appearance of their dorm and go insane if something is misplaced. The Neat Freaks stay up throughout the night organizing their folders and separating their classes by color and materials. This allows them to know exactly where things are placed, and where to look when in a hurry. If anything is ever misplaced, the Neat Freaks roam around like chickens with their head cut off making sure to search every corner, crack, and crevice to find their missing bone. The positive side to rooming with a Neat Freak, though, is receiving that extra push to keep things clean, and more importantly, the encouragement of completing all school assignments on …show more content…

Semi-Balanced roommates make the world of a difference—not too neat, but also not too sloppy. They maintain an area that fits their needs and allows them to keep track of their belongings, but in a cluttered way. These roommates are ideal when deciding who to room with because they are not obsessed with the room space being spotless. Semi-Balanced roommates would just prefer that the floor is visible and the desks are not piled with papers and books. Unlike the Neat Freaks and the Sloppy Pigs, the Semi-Balanced roommates manage to balance their academics and social life, rather than dedicating themselves to only