Participatory Needs Assessment

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Methodology during the planning phase of the project
Needs assessment
Hawe, P. Degeling, D. and Hall, J. (1990) described the needs assessment as an implementation process to get a comprehensive picture of the health problems in the community and to guide the choices about the types of solutions that might assist in solving the problems experienced by the community.
A needs assessment can be described as a systematic approach that progresses through a series of phases. The needs assessment focusses on the outcome. Data is collected for specific purposes, in our case, for research. The scope methods are carefully selected to fit the purpose and the context of the needs assessment. Priorities and criteria are set so that planners and managers …show more content…

Possible solutions and the best solutions should be discussed and implemented. An action plan should be put together to explain the purpose and the proposed timelines. A report should be put together to communicate the methods and results concerning the needs assessment to the various decision-makers.
Participatory action research
Participatory action research can be defined as an emancipatory and collaborative form of research between researchers and the communities for the purpose of facilitating community action and pursuing social change. According to Baum et al. (2006:854) Participatory action research aims to improve health and health inequities through involving people who then take action in order to improve their own health. Three particular attributes are usually used to distinguish between conventional research and participatory action research. These attributes include:
• Shared ownership of research projects
• An orientation toward community action
• Community-based analysis of social …show more content…

It is also important to focus on the problem and get an effective solution.

Action plan for implementing the project
Action plan
In order to put together an action plan to address teenage pregnancies, we first have to do research on our target group. Our target group is teenage girls between the ages of 16-18, so we would have to go to high schools to gather information.
Our first step would be to do research. Permission from various high schools are needed. Questionnaires will be put together that we can easily be distributed among the teenage girls and that they can fill in easily. The questions that will be asked will be about teenage pregnancies.
Action Steps to follow Persons responsible for action Deadline date
1) Needs assessment Identify the needs of the community regarding teenage pregnancy and HIV. The entire transdisciplinary team 10 February 2016
1) Protocol and questionnaire Formulation of what has to be done when carrying out the project and questions regarding how people feel about the problem and what they would prefer to be done regarding the problem. The entire transdisciplinary team 15