
Essay Homework Should Be Banned

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The argument regarding homework and how much (if any) should be assigned is a prevalent topic in today’s society, seeing as it directly involves the success of the future generation. While excessive homework almost certainly has negative effects on students, assigning a moderate volume of meaningful homework is pivotal in improving students’ organization, time management, and sense of responsibility among promoting other benefits. Banning homework outright would certainly yield a significant decline in student performance both presently and in the future.
The assignment and completion of a moderate quantity of homework contributes massively to the establishment and development of crucial skills such as organization, time-management, and overall discipline. Students who are consistently assigned a reasonable amount of homework over the course of their school careers develop the skills necessary to be successful in future higher education (Cooper, Pondiscio). …show more content…

While students would certainly gain a substantial amount of free time compared to now if homework were to be banned, they would lose the benefits of reasonable homework assignment. A reduction of meaningless homework would be just as effective at decreasing student stress as a homework ban would be. Solving students’ current lack of free time does not elicit a strict ban, however. The solution better suited to the situation is a reduction of homework in order to drastically reduce student stress, yet still allowing them to reap the multitude of benefits which a moderate amount of daily homework provides. Additionally, with a smaller volume of work every day, teachers are more likely to budget their “homework allowance” more meaningfully. Assignments would be more succinct and efficient, and the amount of busy work would certainly

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