Nemesis's Role In Greek Mythology

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In the Greek mythology, there are a bunch of stories about God, Goddesses, and heroes. Zeus, Poseidon and Apollo are the Greek Gods. Aphrodite, Hera and Athena are the Greek Goddesses. Perseus and Hercules are the Greek heroes. Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hera and Athena are the Olympian Gods. Beside Olympian Gods, there is also a titans and other Gods like Atlas, Nemesis, etc. According to, Nemesis is in the group of other Gods. Nemesis is the Goddess of revenge. Her role is divine retribution and rightful indignation. Nemesis is the daughter of Nyx and Erebus. Nemesis’ symbol is the wheel, wings and sword. Nemesis has brothers and sisters and they are Moros, Geras, Thanatos, Hypnos, Eris, Charon and Keres. In the