New Dunkin Donuts Case Study

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Case Study: Opening Your New Dunkin Donuts Locations

Being a District Manager of the New Dunkin Donuts store is not a simple job. Many factors are to be considered so that the success of the franchise is assured. Since I have been given the complete autonomy, authority, and responsibility to structure, and operate the five new locations of the Dunkin Donuts, I have considered several factors so that the business will likely expand and grow.

Job Design

In any organization, a job design is vital because it involves the means through which a job is carried out. Further, it involves the kind of relationship that exists within the working environment of the workers and how they are supposed to perform their specific work. According the Management …show more content…

Activities that train workers serve as a support system of an organization so that the latter will have an effective performance appraisal. Through this, the performance of the workers is measured and that the same time, their efficacy improved. According to Duggan (2016), having an effective performance appraisal enables an organization to efficiently manage how decisions are made. Also, problems with regard performance are addressed, costly mistakes are reduced, and the strategic goals of the organization are achieved. In order to properly execute performance appraisals, it is important to base it on the goals of the organization (Lawer, Benson & McDermott, 2012). This will likely result in the effectiveness of the organization, increase in the salary and bonuses, and manager are held more accountable (Lawer, Beson & McDermott, …show more content…

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