
Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Nikola Tesla
Elishia Pena
Hiwassee College

Nikola Tesla was an Austrian engineer. That died in 1943 at the age of 83. When he moved to the United States he was known as the mad scientist because of his inventions and discoveries. In many peoples’ opinions he was way before his time. He revolutionized how we look at power he discovered alternating current, or more commonly known as ac current. He was also responsible for the hydroelectric power plant the tesla coil. All of these items changed the world. Alternating current was just a simple discovery. It came with some drama. Before tesla found ac current Thomas Edison had already discovered dc or direct current. Tesla said that dc was a bad choice to power the country because there were huge amounts of power loss. There would also have to many more power stations if they had picked to go with dc. It just made so much more sense to go with Tesla’s discovery. This started a big rivalry between the two because Edison said that it simpler and efficient since it is of cyclic nature. This was not a very good argument because ac was just better for everyone anyway you looked at it. This was what brought Tesla on to the major scene. Then he went on to get it …show more content…

He created hydroelectric power plants. This was a way to harvest energy that was in the running water of the falls. The water from the falls would then turn a turbine which would send the power into transformer that would convert it to ac power and be used to power anything. Just this one powerplant creates enough electricity to power the city of Buffalo. It is now used in almost every dam in the country. It is also 24% of renewable energy in the United States. This invention alone has saved so much of are natural resources. Tesla even has a statue at the fall because this was such a significant

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