Nt1110 Unit 3

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The main reason for having this policy in place is to ensure that the employees understand that the documents they produce will be owned by the company in most cases and that using these documents outside of the business for any reason will not be tolerated and can be prosecuted if the requirements are met under a law such as the Computer Misuse Act 1990 which states that files must not be accessed, modified or deleted by an unauthorised individual which would be the external source. The company will only give you authorisation to edit the material if using it for a company related reason and that it is being used during company hours on their computer system. Removing this file on to an external source is going against this as it is unauthorised …show more content…

Having security basically means that the data is safe from unauthorised or unexpected access, modification or deletion of files. Due to the vast majority of files being stored on a form of electronic device in the modern world, it is the job of the company, in this case Tesda, to ensure that access is limited to certain individuals and that they pose no threat to the company. Although there are many ways of accessing this information illegally, Tesda should concentrate on protecting against the most common types like viruses and system failure etc. Ensuring that there is a backup server is essential as this information is what keeps the business running and losing it will have a massive impact on them. Within Tesda, it will be the role of the management to assess who should and shouldn’t be granted access to particular bits of information and whether or not they will have it as read only or being able to edit the document. The level of access within Tesda will depend on the role they have within the company and the tasks they have to complete on a daily basis. If the management were to have any issues, it will be the job of the IT Department to give advice on the topic and then once a decision has been made, they can implement the access for the

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