Nuclear Deterrence Is Obsolete Essay

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This research paper will aim to explore whether there is a need for nuclear technology in today’s society, specifically the technologies that act as a deterrent against other countries. A nuclear weapon is defined as, ‘a bomb or missile that uses nuclear energy to cause an explosion’ (Oxford Dictionary). For the purpose of this paper deterrence will be used to mean discouragement and the term obsolete will be defined as outdated. A doctrine is simply a policy. Posing the question of; is the possession of bombs or missiles that could potentially cause a nuclear explosion, an out-dated policy? This paper will aim to probe in to arguments for and against a countries need for nuclear weapons that act as a deterrence. It will cover the moral, social and political implications that these weapons have and will then go on to determine whether nuclear deterrence is obsolete. The first …show more content…

The biggest security strategy of any nation is that of self-defence, and the argument that a state has the right to develop any strategy or technology to achieve this is a valid one. Furthermore, the damage that nuclear weapons cause in the short term is no different to that of an aerial bombardment for example. To use Japan as another example, during World War Two, there was more damage caused by the aerial bombing raids than there was by either of the atomic bombs dropped at Hiroshima or Nagasaki ( This then poses the dilemma; under what circumstances should nuclear weapons be used? Not whether nuclear weapons cause too much damage in the long run. This rationale indicates that nuclear weapons should not be abolished, but the circumstances of how they are deployed should be scrutinised, either way, this counterpoint advocates nuclear deterrence and therefore could argue the point against them being an obsolete