
Nuclear Weapons Persuasive Essay

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The use of nuclear weapons is imminent. This does not always mean the launching of nuclear weapons to a specified destination for the purpose of killing people. Nuclear weapons are used more often than one might think. For a country to bring up the application of a nuclear weapon to another country that may be in a disagreement it can easily deter the other country from any further actions thus ending the issue. With that in mind, the United States faces many issues on a daily basis and can greatly benefit from having nuclear weapons in its arsenal. The continuous need for the United States to have nuclear weapons is evident especially in today's society for a number of different reasons that include deterring war between the U.S. and other …show more content…

These weapons were created to combat the notion that Germany was already in the process of making atomic bombs. The first bomb was tested on July 16, 1945 in New Mexico, at this time Germany had already surrendered and the U.S. no longer saw a threat from Germany (History.com Staff). The war in the Pacific however persisted and this is where the first and second atomic bombs would be implemented. This would be the first and last time to date that atomic bombs were used to force a surrender from a country. Currently, there are eight known countries that have nuclear weapons that include Russia, The United States, France, China, UK, Pakistan, India, and Israel (Gould, and Mosher). North Korea is now considered to be on this list as well because of the strong possibility of the amount of bomb-grade material they have likely made (Gould, and Mosher). Nuclear weapons have many uses but as of today, they are used for diplomacy to prevent all-out war with other …show more content…

makes for other countries a safer place as well with its nuclear weapons. Countries who threaten other third-party countries with the possibility of nuclear attacks are met with the support of the U.S. For example, South Korea does not have nuclear weapons to protect themselves from the threat of a preempted attack from the nation of North Korea who has nuclear capabilities (Chung). The continuous need for the U.S. to have nuclear weapons is clear as they reaffirm its commitment to South Korea against North Korea, providing and strengthening deterrence using the full range of military capabilities that includes its nuclear umbrella, conventional strike, and missile defense capabilities

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