
Nursing Leadership Styles Paper

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Upon completing the psychology quiz on About.com, it was determined by my answers to the proposed questions that I fall into the Participative Leadership group. This type of leadership group is considered the “most effective leadership style” though it is important to note that truly effective leadership styles incorporate all three forms of leadership: authoritarian, participative and delegative (Cherry). Although this was the group my test responses dictated, after reading through each of the definitions for the other two groups, I felt that I could fit into any of the three leadership styles. Depending on the situation and the group I was leading, that situation would help me to determine which style of leadership I would need to use to be most effective. While I tend to use the delegative and participative styles much more …show more content…

These skills need to be learned by graduate level nurses either solely or in combination at some point in the beginning of the professional building stage. Each of these attributes is a skill learned by graduate nurses that helps to further build that individual nurse’s professional arsenal. Each of these skills begin a foundation on which that individual will start to grow and develop professionally. Each skill is important in its own right and allows for continued growth with experience. After much thought on this topic regarding my personal and professional growth I believe that I have strengths in commitment, developing one’s own style and willingness to cooperate. I believe I have already begun the process of building my professional foundation with my seventeen years of ICU experience. Within those years I have functioned in a diverse set of roles. This has benefited me be allowing me different settings in which I could practice the leadership

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