Nursing Worldview Paper

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My Philosophical Worldview of Nursing The interaction of human beings and the setting of domicile must be fully explored to appreciate their way of life. My nursing worldview is shaped mostly by my beliefs and values and somewhat by the work of Florence Nightingale at during the Crimean war. According to Fee & Garofalo (2010), Nightingale’s work focused on the surroundings of the sick soldiers. Sanitation was a big part of the solution. The experiences encountered in the environment coupled with lifestyle choices determine our well-being (Health). As healthcare moves towards preventative care, it is imperative that nurses develop more knowledge through research to support the notion that clean environment equates to good health (Hong, Jo & Mainous, 2017). The approach to knowledge development is guided by our worldviews and philosophies (Reed & Shearer, 2011, p. 9). The most important concept of the nursing metaparadigm, in my opinion, is the environment. In the clinical world, the patient’s background serves as a basis or pathway to proper diagnosis and treatment. According to Reed & Shearer (2011), patient-environment processes are still being explored by modern …show more content…

In an effort to reduce the upsurge in health care cost, the US government has designed many projects to shift the nation’s health care delivery from the hospitals to preventative care centers (Benjamin, 2011). My project will address the lack of care coordination between Mental Health Providers and the Primary Care Physician (PCP). From experience, most crisis centers perform poorly when it comes to notifying the PCP of the clients that patronize their services. The PCP is the gatekeeper, and their involvement is crucial to treatment and prevention of health/behavioral health issues (Forrest, 2003). At the end of my DNP project, I would like to find remedies to bridge the gap in communication between providers in medical and behavioral