Obama Care Pros And Cons Essay

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The Affordable Care Act’s ultimate goal is to provide affordable healthcare for most, if not, all Americans. There are widespread support and opposition the Affordable Care Act. Those who support Obamacare claims that the ACA ensures more coverage for middle class Americans. The ACA extend health subsidies to those with incomes from 300% up to 400% of the federal poverty guidelines. In addition, the ACA allows people under the age of 26 to stay on their parent’s plan until they turn 26, allowing those who have trouble paying for insurance to find a way to pay for medical costs. (HHS, 2017) Those who oppose the Affordable Care Act claim that the act forces people to buy healthcare. Those who do not purchase health insurance will be fined a certain amount of …show more content…

The benefits outweigh the disadvantages when it comes to the act. However, it does not mean that Obamacare doesn't have flaws. My group decided to revise the Affordable Care Act by taking away unnecessary revisions and try to cut the eventual cost of the Affordable Care Act. Under our group’s revision, we decided to take away the requirement that people need to buy healthcare. Healthcare is a choice and we should not impose it onto others when they don't want it and then penalize them if the said person did not purchase health care. Our group also decided that in order to fund the rising cost cost of premiums and to offset the cost of implementing the Affordable Care Act, we agreed to allocate some of the funds from military and defense into the healthcare sector. In addition, we decided to raise the taxes imposed on the higher class to help pay for the cost of Obamacare. Finally, one of our final provisions is to create a special state run insurance for patients with severe conditions due to the high cost of treating people with these conditions. In creating these special pools, people under Obamacare won’t be forced to pay higher general

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