
Oj Simpson Research Paper

3486 Words14 Pages

Daniel Gonzalez
Mrs. deHart
Apr 17 2023
The O.J Simpson
The O.J Simpson case was and still is one of the most infamous murder cases of all time. O.J Simpson was a former NFL star and Hall of Famer, although he has some great accolades to his name he is predominantly remembered for being discharged of the murder of Nicole Brown and her best friend Ronald Goldman. On June 13, 1994, the bodies of Nicole and Goldman were found stabbed to death outside Nicole Brown's condo in Los Angeles, evidence pointed clearly to O.J being the murderer of these two innocent people. Although most evidence pointed to O.J being the killer the case was far from a closed case, Simpson's trial for murder was titled as the “Trial of the Century.” …show more content…

In spite of that Cochran remarked the most famous quote of that case, “If It dont fit, you must acquit.” Surly enough the gloves seemed to not fit and on October 3, 1995 the Jury found Simpson not guilty for the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman, It was by far the most watched murder trial in history. To this day we are not certain if he did or did not do it and only O.J himself knows if he was behind these infamous murders of all …show more content…

The most popular being that O.J Simpson was the executioner of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman, other theories are that it was Glen Rogers the infamous serial killer or that the Browns set O.J up. Each of these theories have evidence to back up their claim and all or very plausible but in my opinion one theory sets from the rest. In the beginning I strongly believed that O.J Simpson was the killer, no doubt in my mind. As I’ve done more research on the topic it has become apparent to me that there is not a clear answer and that's why it remains a mystery. In Spite of this I still am leaning towards the O.J theory I believe that there was far too much evidence pointing towards O.J to not have been. To support my thought any time this is brought up to O.J himself he always seems to avoid the question. We also know that O.J is not a stranger to crime as he was a troublemaker during his youth and even after his case he was arrested for some other charges. The other theories do have evidence but still don't add up to O.J not being the murderer, for instance what does Glen Rogers or the Browns have to do with O.J having blood stains in his car and on his socks.

O.J Simpson in my viewpoint is the killer, he had the motive to do it and the stories of him made sense. He was known to be abusive and who knows maybe that day he snapped and Ronald Goldman was unfortunate enough to be alongside Nicole Brown, I think

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