Career Goals: As a career goal I am interested in being a pediatric oncologist. When I was younger I learned about my passion for learning and research. Because I learned this about myself at a very young age I decided to find a career that is research and learning based. Being a doctor is constantly learning, excitement through new patient portfolios. Everyday I will learn about someone new and find different ways to plan an attack. Oncology is a section of medicine that continues to add new information as each day passes and new people approach the topic of cancer. I decided I wanted to be a pediatrician because I love children. I find that I have a special touch when it comes to kids. Helping kids and planning are two of my favorite pastimes, …show more content…
In the fifth grade our S.U.N class was assigned a community service project, in the project we were told to find a topic that interested us and find a way to help it. I chose to help fundraise for cancer research. Though I enjoyed fundraising I found myself enjoying the research of what cancer was and how it was treated more. Most of the research I have done is gathering snippets of information from the internet on various topics some of which include greek mythology, oncology, the list continues. I have not in my life yet had or taken the chance to draw my own conclusions from research I have done or even formulate questions that do not already have answers. The wonderful thing about being part of this new tech savvy generation is that information on everything is at the tips of my fingers and every time I have a question I can just search the answer because someone else has already found the …show more content…
I haven't always had free lunch because at the beginning of my school career my dad had a very steady job as a foreman on a construction site. However, in 2008 he was let go from his company and for many years he has bounced around different construction companies. The payment for a construction worker is often low and his payment is even lower now as he was in a catastrophic accident at work and is paid only a portion of his previous monthly total. My mom carried a lot of the financial burden for many years she worked steadily in a grocery store for many years until January of my 7th grade year. She has worked at two call centers since this and for a small portion of time as my dad’s in home caregiver. All of these jobs pay very low especially for a four person household making our total family income very