One Child Law Essay

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From the beginning of time, the bible has advised to be fruitful and multiply. From as many children possible to the modern family size of two or three offspring each. In the country of China one child is just enough. It is dictating how many children Chinese couples may have. One way the government is handling this is putting in place strict laws. The Chinese culture, because of the frustration of only wanting boy children, has resulted in madness. The benefits, therefore still out way the detractors. The practice of the one child law causes environmental improvements, leads to more resources, and results in better living standards. Most importantly the one child law causes environmental stability. For example the WHO or (World Health Organization) reported in 2012 that “the VOC or volatile organic compounds contribute in Beijing downtown was 14.7%, in 2015 it is 12.6% [now]” (Kane and Choi). The number has been down by 2 percent. This is good considering their growing population and the amount of asthma this causes. Similarly, “the percent of coal used in 2015 was 17% and is going down to 14%”. (Rosenburg). This clearly helps the …show more content…

The law has created more resources, but has some pretty cool things to show. The amount of kids in orphanages has dropped rapidly too. In 1980 there were 2 million kids in the care of others and now that number has dropped to 1 million. This is very good considering the resources that the state gives the orphanages. This in turn creates healthier kids that survive longer than they would have 20 years ago. The people agree too, so much that one source said “Our government has strengthened China for the greater [generations] Next, the amount of people unemployed. In 1980 4.9% was the unemployment rate and now it is 4.09% (Gilles). That is roughly a 81% difference. This also creates more economic growth and more resources are created further in the