Opinionated Vs. Problem-Posing: A Comparative Analysis

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Leonardo Muro-Garcia
Professor Benjamin Dally
English 5 (Section 2)
September 30th, 2015
Opinionated vs. Approachable
The “Banking Concept” is an unreasonable method for teachers to use when it comes to educating students. It creates an environment where teachers feel like they are the "almighty-god" of knowledge and students do not know anything. In contrast, "Problem-Posing" is where teachers pose problems, and then the students and the teacher work cooperatively to find solutions for the problem. The Banking Concept is used to serve the status quo of education. Meaning it will only meet the basic needs of education. It is usually used in areas where poverty is really high and the government does not regulate what the teachers have …show more content…

In problem posing, the “educator constantly re-forms his reflections in the reflection of students” (Freire 263). Meaning it allows the students to learn from the teacher, as well as the teacher from the students. It does it by breaking the barrier from the banking concept that says that the student is just a listener and that the teacher is the talker. Freire also said that in Problem Posing, “it affirms that men and women are beings who transcend themselves” (265). Since it does not oppress people from reality, it proves that people and reality make up one. This helps to build a better future because it grants people the right to become critical thinkers, to have a voice, and it allows them to be aware of the problems happening around them. In addition to all this, it helps students to be better informed on problems or issues whether it be “historical”, or “present”. This is because when teachers allow students to give their opinion, students have the opportunity to question anything and everything the teacher says. For example, if a teacher says its’ “blue”, the student can ask “why” without running the risk of getting in-trouble. Overall, Problem Posing is the best method for educating students because it shapes students to become critical thinkers who become committed to lifelong