Opposing Views On Capital Punishment

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The Capital punishment, as we all know, has been around in the U.S for quite awhile. Today, many people have their own views on whether we should keep the Capital Punishment, and to use it on people that commit future murder crimes. Personally, my views on the Capital Punishment is that I disagree and am against it for the reasons that it harms everyone involved with it, it is an unnecessary waste of money, and it’s ineffective. First, I am against the death penalty because it is harmful towards everyone involved. Specifically, the death penalty causes damage to the families of the persons executed. Other people may say that the person executed deserves to die because they took the life away from the victims families, but I don't believe …show more content…

To clarify, it’s an ineffective punishment. People who are for the Death penalty believe that it is a deterrent to crime. For example, Ernest Van Den Haag, a Late Professor of Jurisprudence at Fordham University stated, “Common sense, lately bolstered by statistics, tells us that the death penalty will deter murder... People fear nothing more than death... life in prison is less feared. Murderers clearly prefer it to execution... Therefore, a life sentence must be less deterrent than a death sentence…” (“Top 10 Pros and Cons” 1). However, I disagree with this statement because of the most recent studies on how ineffective is the Capital Punishment a deterrent to crime. The death penalty information center stated, “A recent survey of the most leading criminologists in the country from found that the overwhelming majority did not believe that the death penalty is a proven deterrent to homicide”. (“Criminologists' Views” 1). Criminologists are experts at studying criminal behavior and their studies have proven that the Capital Punishment is an ineffective type of punishment, and does not help at all. I mean what good comes out of killing a person that killed another person to show that killing people is bad? The death penalty fails to discourage violence. (“Why we oppose the capital punishment”