Oprah Winfrey Research Paper

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Globally recognized as an American talk show host, actress and producer, Oprah Winfrey is most importantly known for her work as a humanitarian and philanthropist. Since the beginning of her career, Oprah has set the standard high for success. Despite her devastating childhood and being a black woman in America, she refused to allow her uncontrollable circumstances to dictate her future and the future of others. Oprah believes the starting point of success is being educated as much as possible; therefore, the majority of her philanthropy goes towards the betterment of youth education. Dedicating herself and her giving to young, black girls, Oprah created a foundation to specifically support her Leadership Academy for girls in South Africa. …show more content…

While both black girls and boys in the United States and South Africa suffer from unequal access to sufficient education, Oprah primarily focused on her mission to empower young, black girls she believed were appreciative and driven to learn. However, Oprah faced many obstacles during her operation of the academy that eventually hit very close to home.
Black history in the United States is unsurprisingly similar to the history of South Africa. Jim Crow laws that represented the racial caste system in the United States, enforced racial and social segregation, or separation, of black, brown and white Americans. In a similar fashion, “apartheid”, meaning apartness, represented the social and political system of South Africa. In which “blacks, whites, coloreds and Indians were to develop separately, “apart” from each other” (Downing 4). Education equality post- apartheid remains an issue. Both historical events, highlights the social and economic injustices towards people of color. One must also take into consideration the inequality between men and women. Women were considered the caregivers, while men were perceived …show more content…

According to Guidestar, The Oprah Winfrey Operating Foundation was set up to give money exclusively towards operating the Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. The foundation is set up to give money into special projects or to make building repairs and improvements “(Guidestar). With his remarkable leadership skills and endless visions for the prosperity of South Africa, Oprah selected former CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, John Samuel, as the Chief Executive Officer for the Academy. John would take part in a mission closest to Oprah’s heart: “to provide a nurturing educational environment for academically gifted girls who come from disadvantaged backgrounds” (The Academy). As of today, Oprah has invested over forty million dollars towards the creation of the academy, in which can ultimately serve up to only four hundred and fifty students at a time. Such a pivotal moment in her philanthropy, people began to raise questions and the corresponding answers were not always accepted. However, through this philanthropic act, the explanation of what motivates Oprah’s philanthropy would soon be discovered in numerous interviews and