
Ordinary People Research Paper

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Everyone starts out as ordinary.

They do the things everyone else seems to do. But then at some point they decide that’s not enough. For whatever reason they decide they are going to take a stand and do things a little (or a lot) differently.

It is this decision that turns the ordinary into a living legend.

Ordinary people doing extra ordinary things. Some times I wonder what motivates these individuals to give their time. love and experience so willingly to individuals their don't even know.

I have seen them go out of their way to mentor and nurture individuals from all ranks of life. I have seen the pride in their eyes when any one of the proteges do well.

So who are these people and where do their come …show more content…

When I questioned him what motivates him to act in this manner this is what he had to say.

" According to me our thoughts, words and deeds are painting the world around us. As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.

All I want to accomplish in life is to have fun and make other people's lives better as best as I can.

No personal achievement will matter to me once I'm dead, the only thing that will live on after my death will be my impact on the people that are still alive. And hopefully my impact will be positive!

My only regret is I started this a bit late in life other wise by this time I would have more kids whose life, I could have touched in some shape or form."

These kids worship the ground you walk on, you are their hero.

"You are wrong I am no hero, my motto in life is "If you won't to be happy make others happy".

" I will have to quote Rabindranath Tagore before I take your

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