Organic And Paid Strategies Essay

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Search engine optimization is at the forefront of online marketing. In order to improve a website's Google ranking, it is vital to implement both organic and paid strategies. Search engines regularly tweak their algorithms which makes it difficult for marketers to follow a certain path. However, there are some fundamental strategies that help build a strong SEO foundation for every digital business.

Here are top 7 organic SEO tips for small businesses.

Keyword list - Having a well-defined keyword list always comes handy. Most small businesses don't pay much attention to keywords. It is crucial that both long and short tail keywords are being targeted equally. Google Keyword Planner can help you narrow down the list to the most relevant words that attract the highest traffic. …show more content…

Write authoritative content that provides value to the reader. A good write-up that compels the visitor to spend time on a page is well worth the effort. Content that provides true value along with a catchy headline is sure to go viral quickly.

Create meaningful URL names - URLs of pages should reflect exactly what the page is all about. Keep the URLs short and avoid grammatical errors like excessive hyphens. If possible, carefully insert relevant keywords in the URL. Well written names rank better in search engines.

Page titles - Titles of a page are the most error prone element of search engine optimization. In this part, Google wants to see a well compiled description of the content on a page. It is inserted in the tag. Use important keywords and maintain the length within 70 characters.

Avoid unethical methods - Search engines have become very smart. Any effort to trick them or fool them will only lead to setbacks. Unethical techniques such as paid links and coding tricks are known to wipe out rankings. It can even lead to removal from the

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