Organizational Commitment Model

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Traditionally, both the theoretical level as organisational practice, it has been considered that employee commitment to the organisation is a variable that relevant for allowing and identifying intentions of conduct, behavior and results with direct impact on productivity and organisational effectiveness (Hunt &Morgan, 1994). Today, the effective management of this attitude requires organisations which draw human resources strategies and taking into account the nature multidimensional notion of commitment, evidenced in recent studies by theorists on the subject.
The organisational commitment of employees towards the organisation has received considerable attention by both managers and scholars from behavior (Gallagher & McLean, 2001). However, …show more content…

According to Epitropaki and Martin (2015), the models proposed so far not have found a precise fit to the different cultures in which they are tested. Thus, newbases and organisational commitment scales have been proposed or even reformulated, whether as a result of the author's understanding or the region or country that is considered. Epitropaki and Martin (2015), for example, has developed a range of bases Organisational Commitment (EBACO) that divides the organisational commitmentin seven different bases. Already Epitropaki and Martin (2015) cited in Zhang (2012), developed a Behavioral Intentions scale of Organisational Commitment (EICCO) that evaluates the commitment from four factors. On the other hand, have been developed prospects as proposed by Epitropaki and Martin (2015) and reaffirmed by other authors Zhang (2012), which argue that it created an illusion of different types of organisational commitment, basedin several studies on the commitment. For Zhang (2012), impairment individual certainly different, but it is wrong to assume that the differences in the classification individual in rigid systems and distinct from the same phenomenon can guarantee results reliable. The author suggests that the commitment is conceptualised as a construct simple and one-dimensional. From this perspective, the individual is or is not committed toa particular objective, and with time, is able to adjust efforts and behaviorsredefine the objectives with which it undertakes. According Zhang (2012), organisational commitment is aconstruct broader than job satisfaction. The first construct reflects a general response of the individual to the organisation as a whole. The latter, in turn, reflects individual's response to their tasks or certain aspects of their work. The authors also added that the engagement tends to be more stable